All of our "Traveling Awards" include a number of small detail plates premounted with small brass screws. "Base Model"
traveling awards will only have engraved plates mounted, and will have empty slots for future plates; "Deluxe Model" traveling awards
will be filled out with engraved and blank plates.
We use a very
standard engraving font on engraved detail plates which any engraver should be able to match. This gives our customers the option of having
the detail plates engraved locally, or we can provide that service. If you’d like for us to engrave your detail plate, it is easier for
everyone involved and less expensive for us to just engrave a new plate and ship it, not to mention no issues with the plate being
returned being lost or damaged, than for you to send us one of your blank ones. We keep all past engraving files, so we will
engrave your detail plate with the exact same font as the previous plates that we engraved for you. In fact, we have several years of past
invoices available online so that our customers can review their engraving specifications before submitting a new plate request.
If you do not know your previous invoice number, just email us and we’ll be happy
to look that up and provide it for you.
The detail plates are not taped on; they are attached with small screws. We provide templates with indictions where screws are to attach a
new plate; these templates are created by computer for accuracy. If you were to
try to add one plate at a time without one of our templates, it may not be obvious where the plates go and it would be difficult to make
them perfectly straight.
Many Small Plates vs One Large Plates
A traveling award is one that is passed from champion to champion, and contains engraving information for each past champion.
Many awards providers put all of this information on one large plate. This may make the award less expensive at time of purchase,
but there are some drawbacks. You would have to remove that large plate to have additional engraving added; it is expensive to
ship such a plate both ways, so many of those shops prefer to just re-engrave all of your information on a new plate. Most local
shops cannot add engraving to a plate that was engraved elsewhere, or will charge a significant fee to do so.
We feel a better solution is to engrave each champion’s information on a smaller individual plate. Small plates are less
expensive in following years, and provide more flexibility and convenience for the customer.
We only provide detail plates and engraving to customers that have purchased traveling awards from us.
How to order a new detail plate
You’ve completed another successful season in your fantasy league, and now it’s time to add your new champion’s name to your
traveling award … What do you need to do to get a new plate that is engraved to match your previous plates? Use our simple
Plate Request form!
At Affordable Trophies, we keep all engraving files from previous orders, so it is no problem to engrave another plate in the
same font size/style as we did on your previous order. We will refer to your previous invoice for customers to review content
and format. You will find your Previous Invoice on our homepage. Make sure to use the complete invoice number
(usually eight characters – six numbers, with your initials at the end, with no spaces). If you are ordering just additional
plates for awards you ordered from us previously, we typically ship them via uninsured US Mail to save on shipping costs.
Be careful on these things when ordering a new plate for your traveling trophy:
- It is your responsibility to make sure that all spelling is correct and that the text is laid out as you would like.
We will use your previous order as a template to make sure that the same font and lettering size is used, but we cannot
re-structure your submitted engraving info to make sure that, for example, the team name and team owner are in the same order
as your previous plates.
- Please make sure your invoice contains your current address before issuing your payment. Review your invoice carefully
to ensure that everything is correct before issuing your payment; once payment has been made, extra costs will be incurred
if any further changes are necessary.
Your traveling trophy is your league’s monument to greatness, and you want to do everything you can to make it look the best it
can when you add new information to it. We at Affordable Trophies can help in that effort and can help you minimize your costs in
doing so if you follow the guidelines presented here.